Senior Style Guide

Part of my job as the photographer is to relieve as much stress as possible before the day your session arrives. I want you to fully enjoy your senior portraits with no worries!

Choosing what you'll wear for your photo shoot is a huge decision. Here are a few tips...

  1. Be comfortable: If you don't like fitted clothing like super tight dresses then leave them at home! Also, if there are pieces you just aren't sure about then leave those behind as well. Additionally, we will most likely be sitting on the ground, laying down, walking long distances and doing other things that could be difficult if your clothing is uncomfortable.
  2. Color! When choosing outfits for your senior session, try to choose colors that POP and that compliment your hair and skin color. Primary colors like red, yellow emerald green, bright purple, royal blue and pink are all colors that really POP! Just try to stay away from small prints, stripes or shirts with logos.
  3. Add layers. A sweater with a flannel underneath, paired with a vest and necklace or scarf adds a ton of dimension to your look and makes for fun posing options!
  4. Play with textures like sequins, sparkles or fur. It may seem over the top but in portraits they are the best! Adding texture to your wardrobe makes the biggest difference.
  5. Accessorize! When planning your outfits, don't forget to plan for accessories. Stacks of bangles, long necklaces, scarves, hats or boot socks (one of my favorites)!
  6. MIX it up! Make sure that you have a variety of looks! I tell all my seniors to choose from at least three categories: casual, cozy, dressy, school related, preppy or edgy. This will give you an array of looks for your senior portrait session.
  7. HAIR & MAKEUP: Regardless if you're choosing to get your hair and makeup done professionally or if you're doing it yourself please make sure you apply a thicker layer than you usually would to ensure it really comes through in your images. Also, remember to bring make up with you so you can touch up throughout the day as needed. Please don't forget your hair brush or any hair accessory you may want to use. I also always suggest seniors get a manicure before the day of their shoot. Many of your images will show your hands and nails. If you opt out of getting a professional manicure please make sure your nails are at least trimmed, clean and please avoid chipping nail polish.
  8. FOR THE BOYS: Of course you won't be worried about make-up and nails but the same rules apply as far as wearing comfortable clothing, choosing coordinating colors, and avoiding any bold prints or patterns. I also recommend a fresh hair cut/trim and tidying up any facial hair.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

I look forward to seeing your beautiful face soon!