What to expect from your senior session

Yay! You finally made it to your Senior year and you're finally ready to schedule your Senior session!

We will first have a phone consultation to discuss what your vision is for your senior portraits and discuss scheduling.

Once we have agreed on a date and time I will send you a deposit invoice ($25) to reserve you date. After you've paid your deposit we will talk about the fun stuff like the location and outfit ideas (I am always up for going to any location that is special to you but can also recommend some of my favorite locations as well).

I am exclusively an on-site location photographer. With that being said I like to do a mix of posed and candid photos. When we meet for your session, we'll dive right in! If your session type includes more than one outfit change, you'll change outfits and we'll begin again. If your session allows for multiple locations, we'll drive to the new location.

Please know that if your session goes into overtime for reasons such as bad weather, long distances between locations or other delays where I may be at fault, there is no extra cost to you.

All I ask is that you are on time. Being late will cut into our valuable shooting time.

Once your session is over, I will upload your images and begin the editing process. A few days after your session, I will upload one or two sneak peak images to my social media pages. You will receive your photo gallery within two to three weeks from your session date via email. Included in that email will be you final invoice for the remainder of your session fee.

***I do not print images myself but can recommend high quality print stores.***

I hope this has helped you prepare for your session. Please reach out to me with any questions or concerns you may have.